Success Story
VEGA offers level and pressure instrumentation for the process industry. For over 60 years, the company has been producing solutions for demanding measurement tasks. These are used in many plants and machines in a wide range of industries.
VEGA Grieshaber KG
Industry: Level- and pressure measurement technology
Headquarters: Schiltach, Deutschland
Scable customer since 2022
www.vega.comRoughly half of the 2,100 employees worldwide work at the headquartes in Schiltach in the Black Forest. This markes the company an important employer in the region. Production in particular is based here, with around 400 employees.
Three men on the Shopfloor, solving problems.
To give the processes on the shopfloor more structure, head of production Patrick Herrmann and Daniel Bonath introduced the shopfloor management software from Scable. For a quick start, they decided to introduce the software in two departments first, SMD production and an assembly area. This strategy was established and already after one week the next areas could be integrated. The introduction was quickly accepted by the shift leaders and operators at the plant.
Since then, these departments have been working in a much more KPI-oriented way. This includes key indicators such as output, scrap, rework and downtime. This works not only in series production, but also in variant production. Daniel Bonath, the head of production remarks:
"It is good for the organization to work with key indicators. This makes everything more transparent and tangible."
The next step is to involve other department managers, who should learn from the colleagues. By request reports from the head of production, the process is given the required committment.
Patrick Herrmann is convinced of the concept: "What we used to do wasn't really Shopfloor Management at all. Before, our meetings were informative, but not numbers and facts oriented. Today we work much more analytically and solution-oriented. I especially like the fact that the employees are very well integrated into the new system."
VEGA shows how lean management works ont he shopfloor. This is another reason why the company is a first-class employer that offers its employees very good working conditions and acts innovatively.
Assembly was VEGA's second pilot department toward the comprehensive switch to digital Shopfloor Management.
Lukas Morys, CEO and Co-Founder of Scable
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