Wörthstr. 37
70563 Stuttgart
- Germany -
Amtsgericht Stuttgart
HRB 771374
VAT ID: DE313519687
Management board: Dipl.-Ing. Marc Walter (CTO), Lukas Morys (name at birth Weber), M.Sc. (CEO)
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr.-Ing. Hans-Martin Dudenhausen
Sonic Technology North America Inc.
150 North Michigan Avenue, 35th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601
Management board: Dipl.-Ing. Marc Walter (CTO), Lukas Morys (name at birth Weber), M.Sc. (CEO)
Chairman of the board: Dr.-Ing. Hans-Martin Dudenhausen
According to article 7, paragraph 1 of TMG, as a provider of services, we are responsible for own content on our website. According to articles 8 to 10, however, we are not required to check submitted and other third-party data or scan for suspicious activity. This remains independent of our duty to remove and block the use of information in accordance with common law. Liability is only possible once we are aware of a specific violation of laws. Upon becoming aware of any violations, we will take immediate action to remove the violating information.
Our offering contains links to third parties, the content thereof we have no control over. Because of this, we cannot guarantee the correctness and other aspects of any such content. Instead, service providers of linked sites are fully responsible for their content. At the time of publishing any links, the contents of third party sites are checked not to contain any content in violation of applicable law. This means that any linked sites did not contain any illegalities at the time of publishing, however it is not viable to continuously check content of third parties without concrete suspicion. Upon becoming aware of any violating content on third party sites, we will take immediate action to remove any links to the content in question from our website.
Any content and media created by the service provider, Scable AG, are protected by German copyright law. The reproduction, editing, redistribution and any other form of use not otherwise covered by applicable German law are strictly prohibited unless written permission exists by the author of the work. Downloads and copies of this website and its contents are permissible for private use only. Contents not created by the service provider but a third party are marked as necessary. Should you suspect a violation of copyright, please contact us so we can remove the contents in question and/or remedy the situation as soon as possible.