Become a partner!

  • Combine your proven consultancy services with intuitive Operations and Performance Management Software.
  • Create a unique selling proposition (USP) for both existing and new customers.
  • Scale up your project results on the factory floor.

What kind of projects are suitable?

The new approach is suitable for companies with existing Operations and Performance Management as well as for organizations with ambitions to introduce such a system. The goal in general is to increase efficiency on the factory floor.

How do we work together?

Every Operations and Performance Management introduction or improvement requires on-site support and coaching, which is done by our consulting partners. Scable provides a license-free software module during a 12-week pilot phase to boost the improvements generated by the new activities. Both partners strive for an organization-wide rollout after the successful pilot period.

How does a typical project look like?

The project typically starts with a 12 week period in one or more pilot areas. First measurable results are usually reached after 4-6 weeks. Our customers have experienced efficiency increases by 10% p.a. resulting in multi-million EUR savings in the first year. The successful pilot project is subsequently followed by the organization-wide roll-out.

What to expect from Scable?

We provide our standardized approaches and documentation to digitally introduce (and to improve) Operations or Performance Management. We offer training courses for your consultants to impart all necessary skills needed for a smooth introduction on-site. No software licensing fees are charged during the pilot period.

What does Scable expect from its partners?

Our expectation is that consultants are experienced in Operations and Performance Management and open minded for digital solutions. Furthermore, a professional project management is required.

What industries can benefit from Scable tools?

There is virtually no limitation. Organizations from industries such as automotive, medical, household appliances, machine engineering or passenger transportation already had great success with our tools.

Does Scable have references and in which industries?

Please see our website. Further references are available upon request.

Go to references

Is there any financial contribution required by the consulting partner?


Do Scable's different partners compete with each other?

Scable is not interested in competition among its consulting partners. Typically we are working with a single partner in each region. Additional partners in one region might only be considered if focus is on different industries.

Does Scable compete with consulting firms?

No. Scable interest is to provide software tools and strives to continuously improve them further.


Please contact us. We are looking forward to a detailed discussion with you.

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